Featured Employers

There are few companies in Singapore that believe in sustainability and conservation as much as Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd (BSD). A spin-off company of the National University of Singapore (NUS), they specialise in providing consultancy for “green building”, allowing companies to achieve environmentally sustainable design and construction of buildings.

Having worked on famous buildings such as Funan Mall, Central Boulevard Towers, and many more in other countries such as China, Malaysia, and Vietnam, they are an established and award-winning presence in the industry.


The Managing Director of BSD, Mr. Tan Phay Ping, is a proponent of BSD’s mission and values. He advocates for sustainability in all matters, including even manpower. It is the mission of the company to “empower & impart knowledge”, and thus Mr. Tan embodies it as well in his style of managing manpower and developing talent.

He believes that as manpower is the “lifeblood” of his company, he takes a proactive approach in hiring, training, and developing any suitable talents “with an eagerness to learn and upskill.” By aligning an employee’s career and life goals to the company’s, he can draft out a learning program to benefit both parties with the outcome.


One such method that Mr. Tan employed was the Career Conversion Programme (CCP), the government-supported initiative that allows companies to hire mid-career individuals for a career switch, with salary support and On-The-Job training (OJT) provided.

He took on an experienced executive in Jacqueline June Enoch, who had an extensive background in secretarial work and event planning. At BSD, she underwent a structured training to take on a new role as a Programmes & Collaboration Lead, where she handles market development, client engagement, and took charge of their seminars, workshops, and other programmes.

As a result of the CCP, Jacqueline has received her desired reskilling and new duties, while BSD also benefited from her contribution, allowing them to gain new clients and reinforce their market position and client relationships. This allowed Mr. Tan to benefit the company, the employee, and the workforce all at once while staying true to their mission.

If you too would like to embark on the CCP to grow your company and the local workforce, you can register your interest below or reach out to +65 8866 3603.


  • Jacqueline, the new hire under CCP, working with Mr.Tan Phay Ping and her colleagues on the job.
    Jacqueline, the new hire under CCP, working with Mr.Tan Phay Ping and her colleagues on the job.
  • Jacqueline working on conducting a workshop as part of her OJT.
    Jacqueline working on conducting a workshop as part of her OJT.