Privacy Statements

Overview and Scope

At the Workforce Advancement Federation Ltd (“WAF”), we understand that your privacy is important and we endeavour to protect your personal data. As used in this Privacy Policy, “Personal Data” means information such as: your name; mailing address; email address; telephone number; identification/passport number or any other personal data that may be supplied by you or collected about you as required by us or as otherwise defined in the PDPA. We hope that this Policy helps you to understand how we handle and use any personal data after collection.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

If you choose to send WAF an electronic mail, register for seminars, events and membership, or communicate with us through WAF’s website, social media or in any other way, provide us with your personal data, please note that the WAF may retain such personal data and :

  1. May use this information for internal business and administrative purposes which includes improving our products and service offerings, and enhancing our overall service levels.
  2. Contact you and send information, which it believes may be of interest to you, including but not limited to information relating to new programmes and events, and other similar information.
  3. WAF may also share your personal data with our partners or sponsors, so as to serve you in the most effective way, unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation. Apart from what we have set out in this Privacy Policy, WAF will not reveal your personal data to any other third-party unless required by law or court order.
  4. WAF does not sell, trade or rent your personal data to others.
  5. The WAF understands and respects the privacy of individuals. Personal data is collected by WAF with your consent. The purpose for collecting, using and disclosing this information varies depending upon your request and will include:
    1. the processing or enrolment of and administration of your membership into WAF;
    2. helping us to improve our service to you;
    3. processing your registration and/or enquiry and any and all other ancillary administrative purposes;
    4. the disclosure of your personal data to sponsors for sponsor administration, venue providers for security reasons and event management;
    5. informing you of future events which might be of interest to you;
    6. updating your records in our databases; monitoring and maintaining a copy of your record of previous transactions (including all information arising from comments, reviews and messages);
    7. delivery and enhancement of our services, programmes and events;
    8. planning the provision of new services, programmes and events;
    9. save contacts to device
    10. uploading users' contact list and image information
    11. monitoring and enhancing the provision of new services, projects, programmes and events;
    12. government, audit and other regulatory purposes;
    13. publicity and marketing materials, in either print or electronic form or through social media or post event initiatives; and
    14. purposes incidental to each or all of the above.

Please note that if you do not consent to any of the above business purposes, WAF may be unable to meet the purposes for which the information was collected.

Retention Policy

WAF will cease to retain personal data, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the purpose for collection of such personal data is no longer being served by such retention, and such retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.

Storage and Security of Personal Data

To safeguard your personal data, all electronic storage and transmission of personal data is secured with appropriate security technologies.

Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all personal data will be so protected, WAF cannot be responsible for any unauthorised use or misuse of such information and from risks which are inherent in all internet communications.

This site may contain links to other websites whose data protection and privacy practices may differ from ours. WAF is not responsible for the content and privacy policies of these other websites and encourages you to consult the privacy policies of those sites.

Access and Correction

Please contact us [email protected] should you wish to have access to or seek to update, correct or withdraw the consent to collect and use your Personal Data.  Your email should identify yourself and state which Personal Data and information about its use and / or disclosure is requested.

Further Information

If you are concerned about the handling of your Personal Data, or if you have any complaints or queries related to your Personal Data or our Privacy Policy, please contact WAF’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) at [email protected].

WAF reserves the right to change this Policy with or without notice from time to time.

Updated 22 August 2016