Featured Employers

JUB Pacific Pte Ltd is one of Singapore’s homegrown offshore company that specialises in offshore services with their impressive fleet of liftboats and accommodation rig which provide cost effective, reliable, and quality services for their clients – which include some of the biggest names in Oil and Gas and renewable energy  sector.

Their CEO and Director, Kelvin Tang, helms the company with heavy emphasis on their values to achieve a proven and credible track record of operational and safety excellence while providing specialised offshore vessel solutions to their clients.

He attributes this record to their focus on “recruiting, training, and retaining highly skilled professionals”, due to JUB Pacific’s belief that their people are their most prized asset. Thus, Kelvin always seeks to invest in his employees, providing them with opportunities to learn, go through upgrades, and reskill to stay future-ready.

However, much like many other companies, they often encounter challenges in finding suitable candidates due to a shortage of manpower within the industry. This eventually led to Kelvin finding a drop in their productivity as well.


In order to overcome this, they decided to participate in the Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for SME Executives. Kelvin believed that bringing in new talent will allow for “fresh perspectives and ideas”, which can “drive positive change within the organisation”. With the programme, they were able to hire new employees with no prior experience but reskill them with salary support and On-The-Job Training (OJT).

Participating in the CCP for SME Executives greatly alleviated their manpower and productivity issues due to the innovation of newly reskilled and employees, allowing them to “streamline processes, optimise resource allocation, and implement efficient solutions”.

One example of an employee that they hired and embarked on the CCP was Sharon Quek, an experienced Administrative Assistant prior to joining JUB Pacific.

The CCP has allowed her to reskill herself and gain new valuable insights and skillsets as a Procurement Executive through the structured OJT, and now handles duties such as JUB Pacific’s purchasing processes, inventory management, cost analysis, vendor liaison, and more.

Through her efforts and refined skills, Sharon was able to contribute to the company by implementing new practices that resulted in greater efficiency, cost savings, and improved supplier relationships – overall greatly enhancing the business processes.

If you too would like to participate in the CCP to overcome manpower and productivity challenges while growing your company at the same time, you can register your interest below or reach out to +65 8866 3603.

  • The newly hired and reskilled executive, Sharon Quek, adapted and working with her new colleagues and environment.
    The newly hired and reskilled executive, Sharon Quek, adapted and working with her new colleagues and environment.