AI Assistant

Have you ever felt like you could use an extra set of eyes, hands, and a brain to assist you while working? Someone who can offer input, feedback, analysis, and more whenever you need it?

Due to the digitalization of the modern world, businesses that successfully leverage digital solutions are more likely to excel in their industries. One such solution is the use of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistant.

Most SMEs struggle with time constraints , maintaining focus and the ability to innovate or thoroughly analyse data. With the support of an AI Assistant, you can easily input prompts to generate ideas, receive feedback, analyse data, create drafts, templates, and much more.

Depending on you or your employee’s job scope and department, the potential of your AI Assistant is endless.

  • Analytics Dashboard: With a dashboard to showcase its measurable impact on your business and its ROI, you don’t have to worry that you’ve wasted resources into implementing an AI Assistant solution.
  • Seamless Integration with Office Software: Get assistance on every task and software you’re working on with its seamless integration with common Office apps such as Microsoft 365.
  • In-Built Resources for Upskilling & Learning: With resources such as virtual libraries and academies, your employees can tap on them to better adopt AI and digitally upskill themselves.
  • Customisable for Every Business: With the sophistication of AI, it understands that every business is unique and can accommodate every set of problems by allowing you to customise and build your own AI Assistant.


Countless companies worldwide are leveraging on AI Assistants to boost their productivity and efficiency, from SMEs to multinational powerhouses. In fact, over 76% of companies have reported that an AI Assistant has exceeded expectations in boosting their productivity.

With improved data control and analysis, you can also make better business decisions. Best of all, with this Assistant and all of its resources, your employees can also enjoy upskilling and learning at the same time.

At the same time – if you register with us, we can help you with the application of the Productivity Solutions Grant, which allow for up to 50% subsidy of the costs involved with the digital solutions.

To take the first step with our AI Assistant solutions, please register your interest below.