Corporate Profile

Workforce Advancement Federation Ltd (WAF) is a non-profit organisation incorporated to provide assistance and support to the local business communities in building a sustainable workforce.

Through its various initiatives and activities, WAF aims to provide sharing and learning platforms to facilitate the exchange of best practices in human resource and capability development for the local workforce. In tandem of fostering the spirit of tripartism within Singapore’s dynamic business environment, the federation envision its core objective of shaping a productive and competitive workforce as key to the overall economic progress of the nation.


To Be The Leader of a Future-Ready Workforce


Bringing about the growth and enhancement of enterprises and employees.


Commitment | Innovation | Progression

  • Committed to the endless pursuit of the advancement of the workforce and companies

  • Encouraging innovation to evolve and keep up with the everchanging business landscape

  • Promoting a progressive approach to anticipate and accept trends and adapt accordingly


The key emphasis is on the letter “A” signifying “Advancement” which is designed to stand out. It is shaped like an arrow pointing upwards to represent constant progression and advancement the federation brings to the business community – employees and employers alike.

In addition, “A” in the logo also depicts WAF as a bridge between the business community and the government towards building a sustainment environment for the workforce.